Thursday 6 November 2014

Liebster Award I have been nominated!

I was so excited to have been nominated for a liebster award  from theconbonz Thank you! xx
I didn't expect to receive any award nominations or tags from other bloggers i have seen loads of other bloggers getting this award badge up on their blog and i'm thinking how do i get a badge like that!
so then i had done some research of how to do a liebster award thingy, then i read that other bloggers need to nominate you to get a liebster award like i don't even know how this whole thing works.
So lets start! 

The rules for the Liebster Award are:

1. Answer the questions sent to you.
2. Nominate 11 other bloggers with less than 200 followers on twitter., Blogspot, or other social platforms.
3. Ask them 11 of your own questions.
4. Notify them of their nomination.

1. How do you hope people will see you through your blog?

I always like to share out my blog links on twitter and instagram.
because thats where all the social happens so i'm hoping some are viewing my blog :/
(He he)

2. Makeup or Fashion?

Well i have always been a fashion fan getting inspired and all from watching YouTube & viewing other online fashion bloggers. Mainly i just like to view fashion on instagram to get some really good ideas for all seasons. I have also got into make up as well so i think make up and fashion are my two favs! at the moment. 

3. What a typical day in your life like?

Always up between 7am-8am always view my instagram through my phone, Then head to the wash room as i like being clean as always. i dont really eat breakfast in the mornings i attend to drink tea most of the times then i go on my laptop then look through my blog then next tab on! i'm a abit of a comper addict! so i like to enter competition 

and i have won some small prizes over the this few months. Then yeah thats my life sorted.

4. Any Aspirations Or Goal?

Since when i was small i was always been a big fan of all girls dreams here " Fashion"
till now i am still a fashion fan and i would really love to start following my goals or dreams i guess.but nothing is happening at the moment ! but i 'm happy of what i'm doing right now.

5. Any"Addiction?" 

Well like i said before i'm a comper and i cant start comping through Prizefinder thats the site i go to to enter great comps! you guys can check it out. xx i love winning things :)

6. Are you into anything that people around you aren't?

 well my friends and i always like the same music or style and sometimes we like other things so yeah thats all i can answer right now.

7. Sweet Or Salty?

Well i have always like both, I love chewing on sweets/Sugary Things and also love savoury food and i attend to put salt on anything for more flavour! salt is my key LOL

8. Being a blogger, it's pretty important to read other blogs. Any faves ?

well yes it is important to me cause i have followed them and they follow me back and thats a good thing to become blogger friends. And i love reading through what post they posted up on their blogs. and also i love to share them on my +Google page as most people would check other bloggers out!
Maybe or maybe not ( If anyone is interested ) my fave blogger has to be StyleSunrise because she has such a pretty blog she post beauty products and all sorts of pretty things ! which i really like you could check her out!

9. Why did you start a blog?

Firstly the reason why i had started my own blog it's cause i got inspired by loads of people through instagram and you-tube :) and i like to review things, so thats why  started my own blog. 

10. How do you spend your free time?

Mostly just scrolling down on instagram and entering competitions or view other bloggers blogs and watch YouTube. :) twitter i love twitter !

11. Anything you really really really want to learn how to do?

I've always wanted learn how to make my own blog badge as mostly bloggers have and i tried to do one but its so much work i didnt understand some stuff that was online so i just gave up ! 
just left it but i really do want to learn how to make one.

Thats all the Questions Answered Thank you ! xx

My Questions?

  1. Why did you start a blog?
  2. what are your favourite Gadgets at the moment?
  3. What are your Celebrity Icons?
  4. If you won a lottery what would you do with it?
  5. Soap & Glory Or Lush
  6. How would you recommend your blogs to others?
  7. What are your favourite Apps on your Phone?
  8. What country/ Place would you like to visit?
  9. Summer OR Winter? And Why?
  10. Are you a cat lover or a Puppy Lover?
  11. What's your blog mainly about?


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